Related scripts to the Master's Thesis "Exploring Sonification in Website Navigation on Smartphones"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.stats import f_oneway, friedmanchisquare, mannwhitneyu, ranksums
import numpy as np
import pingouin as pg
df = pd.read_csv('QuestionnaireDataSUS.csv')
df['TotalIMIScore'] = ((df['Q1'] - 1) + (5 - df['Q2']) + (df['Q3'] - 1) + (5 - df['Q4']) + (df['Q5'] - 1) + (5 - df['Q6']) + (df['Q7'] - 1) + (5 - df['Q8']) + (df['Q9'] - 1) + (5 - df['Q10'])) * 2.5
#df = pd.read_csv('QuestionnaireDataIMI.csv')
#df['TotalIMIScore'] = (df['Q1'] + df['Q2'] + (8 - df['Q3']) + (8 - df['Q4']) + df['Q5'] + df['Q6'] + df['Q7']) / 7.0
grouped = df.groupby('WebpageID').agg(
mean_IMIScore=('TotalIMIScore', 'mean'),
std_IMIScore=('TotalIMIScore', 'std'),
count=('TotalIMIScore', 'count')
grouped['variance_IMIScore'] = grouped['std_IMIScore'] ** 2
anova_data = [group['TotalIMIScore'].values for name, group in df.groupby('WebpageID')]
anova_result = f_oneway(*anova_data)
print(f"ANOVA Result: F-statistic = {anova_result.statistic}, p-value = {anova_result.pvalue}")
friedman_data = df.pivot(index='ParticipantID', columns='WebpageID', values='TotalIMIScore').dropna()
spher, W, chisq, dof, pval = pg.sphericity(data=df, within='WebpageID', dv='TotalIMIScore', subject='ParticipantID')
gg = pg.epsilon(data=df, within='WebpageID', dv='TotalIMIScore', subject='ParticipantID', correction='gg')
friedman_result = friedmanchisquare(*[friedman_data[col] for col in friedman_data])
print(f"Friedman Test Result: Chi-square statistic = {friedman_result.statistic}, p-value = {friedman_result.pvalue}")
model = ols('TotalIMIScore ~ C(WebpageID)', data=df).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
print(spher, round(W, 5), round(chisq, 3), dof, round(pval, 3))
group_1 = df[df['WebpageID'] == 1]['TotalIMIScore']
group_2 = df[df['WebpageID'] == 2]['TotalIMIScore']
group_3 = df[df['WebpageID'] == 3]['TotalIMIScore']
group_4 = df[df['WebpageID'] == 4]['TotalIMIScore']
group_5 = df[df['WebpageID'] == 5]['TotalIMIScore']
group_6 = df[df['WebpageID'] == 6]['TotalIMIScore']
def mann_whitney_test(group_a, group_b):
u_statistic, p_value = mannwhitneyu(group_a, group_b)
n1 = len(group_a)
n2 = len(group_b)
mu_u = n1 * n2 / 2
sigma_u = np.sqrt(n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 + 1) / 12)
z_value = (u_statistic - mu_u) / sigma_u
effect_size_r = z_value / np.sqrt(n1 + n2)
return u_statistic, p_value, z_value, effect_size_r
def wilcoxon_rank_sum_test(group_a, group_b):
rank_sum_statistic, p_value = ranksums(group_a, group_b)
effect_size_r = rank_sum_statistic / np.sqrt(len(group_a) + len(group_b))
return rank_sum_statistic, p_value, effect_size_r
comparisons = [
("2 vs 5", group_2, group_5),
("2 vs 3", group_2, group_3),
("3 vs 5", group_3, group_5),
("1 vs 6", group_1, group_6),
("4 vs 6", group_4, group_6),
("1 vs 4", group_1, group_4),
results = []
res = pg.rm_anova(data=df, within='WebpageID', dv='TotalIMIScore', subject='ParticipantID', detailed=True)
for label, group_a, group_b in comparisons:
mw_u_statistic, mw_p_value, mw_z_value, mw_effect_size_r = mann_whitney_test(group_a, group_b)
ws_rank_sum_statistic, ws_p_value, ws_effect_size_r = wilcoxon_rank_sum_test(group_a, group_b)
'Comparison': label,
'Mann-Whitney U Statistic': mw_u_statistic,
'Mann-Whitney p-value': mw_p_value,
'Mann-Whitney Z-value': mw_z_value,
'Mann-Whitney Effect Size (r)': mw_effect_size_r,
'Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Statistic': ws_rank_sum_statistic,
'Wilcoxon p-value': ws_p_value,
'Wilcoxon Effect Size (r)': ws_effect_size_r
results_df = pd.DataFrame(results)